Discovering the Moon follows the story of a soon-to-be fifteen-year-old girl named Fern who lives on the remote Orkney Islands in northern Scotland. Fern explores what it means to reach her fifteenth birthday as well as what it means to be in charge of her own spiritual destiny by having deep spiritual conversations with her loving family members. These conversations focus on discussing the Long Obligatory Prayer, a prayer that every Bahai over the age of fifteen is required to recite, and through study she ultimately discovers her own sense of purpose. The main character, Fern, engages in charming dialogue with her family members that helps her along in her spiritual journey. Fern also converses with friends and other community members to further her understanding and share with others. These conversations serve as a great example of drawing on many generations and perspectives when working on self-discovery. Discovering the Moon asks deep questions and challenges readers, in a relatable and gentle way, to live up to the teachings and expectations of their own religious beliefs the same way that Fern does upon turning fifteen.
Author: Jacqueline Mehrabi